Retrospettiva su Marc Chagall, 14 febbraio 2012 - 20 maggio 2012, organizzata dalla Caixa Foundation Madrid e dal Museo Thyssen-
Bornemisza di Madrid.
Retrospective of Marc Chagall, 14 February 2012 - 20 May 2012, organized by the Foundation Caixa Madrid and the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid.
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La passeggiata 1917 |
A recent long weekend in Madrid was the chance to visit the largest Spanish retrospective on the famous Russian artist so celebrated for their important role in the history of modern art: Marc Chagall.
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Flowers before a window, 1959 |
Un pittore rivoluzionario, viaggiatore ed esploratore,
sempre in bilico tra tendenze espressioniste e surrealiste, uno dei pochi
capace di offrire ad un Europa dilaniata dalla guerra, il diritto a credere ancora
nella forza dirompente del sogno.
A revolutionary painter, traveler and explorer, always hovering between expressionist and surrealist tendencies, one of the few able to offer to a war-torn Europe, the right to still believe in the disruptive power of the dream.
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Dance, 1950-52 |
Affascinato dall’uso del colore dei Fauves e dalla ricerca delle avanguardie cubiste, i suoi temi rieccheggiano la favolistica vita del villaggio e la tradizione ebraica, ma sono rivisitati in chiave onirica, musicale, vibranti di colore e carichi di sensazioni.
Fascinated by the use of the color of the Fauves and by the pursuit of avant-garde cubist, its themes reminiscent of the fabled life of the village and the Jewish tradition, but are twist in oneiric keys, music, vibrant color full of feelings.
E’ stato stupendo poter ammirare da vicino le sue mirabili
incisioni per le Anime morte di Gogol, per le Favole di La Fontaine e per la
Bibbia e lasciarsi coinvolgere ed incurosire dalle sue costanti psicologiche e
figurative: la famiglia, il paese d’origine, la vita contadina nella terra
russa, i sogni della gioventù, i riti ebraici.
It 'was amazing to admire closely his admirable etchings for Dead Souls Gogol, for the Fables of La Fontaine and the Bible and get involved and get curios of its psychological and figurative constants: the family, the country of origin, the rural life in the Russian land, the dreams of youth, the Jewish rites.
E poi sono rimasta rapita dalla struggente storia d’amore
tra Chagall e Bella Rosenfeld, sua amata sposa e sua magnifica ossessione.
And then I was kidnapped by the poignant love story between Chagall and his beloved wife Bella Rosenfeld and his magnificent obsession.
And then I was kidnapped by the poignant love story between Chagall and his beloved wife Bella Rosenfeld and his magnificent obsession.
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The blue circus 1950-1952 - detail of Bella |
Chagall dedicò a Bella, sua musa ispiratrice per oltre trentacinque anni, numerosi quadri intensi e sognanti, i suoi quadri più celebri.
Bella vive per Marc e Marc dipinge e vive grazie a Bella.
Chagall dedicated to Bella, his muse for over thirty years, numerous paintings intense and dreamy, his most famous paintings.
Bella lives for Marc and Marc paints and lives with Bella.
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Marc Chagall e Bella Rosenfeld |
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