Originally from the States, Dress Therapy is a trend that is becoming increasingly popular in Europe. Its roots are ancient, however, already in 1928, John Carl Flügel published a book entitled “Psychology of clothing” - the first systematic application of psychoanalytic theory to dressing - where, inter alia, he stated that human beings were naked animals that learned how to defend themselves from the attacks of the environment by building up another skin.
Tre sarebbero, quindi, le motivazioni profonde che spingerebbero a vestirsi: decorazione, pudore e protezione; la necessità ed il desiderio di utilizzare gli abiti ma anche il corpo, per nascondere (dopo la perdita dell’innocenza) e nello stesso tempo mostrare. Il conflitto tra decorazione e pudore, e il compromesso che ne deriva, costituiscono il punto chiave della psicologia del vestire.
In realtà pochi cultori della psicoanalisi hanno saputo, come Flügel, sul terreno sperimentale e con un argomento di natura sociologica dimostrare la verità dell'ideale freudiano della psicoanalisi come metodo per spiegare il mondo.
Non c'è dubbio che ciò che indossi può aiutarti a farti sentire a tuo agio; gli abiti, infondo, sono strettamente associati con l'identità e possono avere un effetto terapeutico.
Vediamo quali sono le linee di questa nuova terapia.
Therefore, the motivations that encourage anybody to get dressed are three: decoration, modesty and protection, the need and the desire not only to use clothes, but also the body, to “hide” (after the loss of innocence) and at the same time to “show”.
The conflict between decoration and modesty, and the compromise resulting from this, are the key point of the psychology of dressing. In fact, some psychoanalysts, such as Flügel, have been able to confirm on the experimental and sociological ground, the truth of the Freudian interpretation of psychoanalisis as the key to explain the world.
There is no doubt that what you wear can help to make you feel comfortable; clothes are closely associated with personality and may have a therapeutic effect.
Let us see look at the steps of this new therapy.
The conflict between decoration and modesty, and the compromise resulting from this, are the key point of the psychology of dressing. In fact, some psychoanalysts, such as Flügel, have been able to confirm on the experimental and sociological ground, the truth of the Freudian interpretation of psychoanalisis as the key to explain the world.
There is no doubt that what you wear can help to make you feel comfortable; clothes are closely associated with personality and may have a therapeutic effect.
Let us see look at the steps of this new therapy.
Per prima cosa bisogna avere un guardaroba ben organizzato. Se non lo si ha, si deve far ordine, tirare un lungo respiro, eliminare ciò che sapete bene non metterete mai, nemmeno sotto tortura, e poi si potrà cominciare la dress therapy. L'abbigliamento è il riflesso di ciò che pensiamo e sentiamo, esprime come percepiamo la nostra immagine corporea non solo all'esterno, ma soprattutto all'interno di noi, a volte certe disarmonie legate al modo di vestire, sono la traccia di conflitti interni, spesso inconsapevoli, che poi si esprimono all'esterno; quindi, è bene cominciare con fare chiarezza nel proprio armadio e dentro di se.
First you need to have a well organized wardrobe.
If you do not have it, you have to order, take a deep breath, get rid of what you will never wear and put anything, even under torture, and then you can begin the dress therapy. Cloths are a reflection of what we think and feel, they expresses how we perceive our body image not only outside, but especially within ourselves, sometimes certain disharmony related to the way we dress, are traces of internal conflicts, often unconscious , which in turn show on the outside; so it is good to start with clarity in your closet, but also in yourself.
La regola aurea è tenere solo capi di qualità e che piacciano davvero, non aver pietà per quelli dei quali non si è sicuri e davanti a cui si storce il naso, fateli sparire, o al massimo, se ne vale la pena, prima di liberarvene, provate a fare un ultimo tentativo con un refitting.
The golden rule is to keep only quality garments that you really like, do not feel sorry for those you are uncertain about, and before you turn up your nose, let them disappear, or before getting rid of them, give them a last chance refitting.
Si può scegliere un abito per comunicare una certa immagine, a volte, più immagini con stili anche in contrasto, se si hanno più personalità. Osare, sperimentare, essere al centro dell'attenzione. Può essere divertente ed ugualmente terapeutico.
Molto spesso però si finisce con il vestirsi come si immagina che gli altri potrebbero apprezzarci, finendo quasi con il mascherarsi ed, in qualche modo, con lo snaturarsi.
You can choose a dress to convey a certain image, sometimes multiple images with styles in contrast, if you have multiple personalities. Dare, experience, be the center of attention.
It can be fun and also therapeutic.
Very often, however, you end up dressing to please the others ending up, neglecting or distorting your personality.
Allora, bisogna far attenzione. Una delle regole da seguire è, infatti, quella di restare sempre se stessi pur rapportandosi a situazioni ed ambienti diversi.
You can choose a dress to convey a certain image, sometimes multiple images with styles in contrast, if you have multiple personalities. Dare, experience, be the center of attention.
It can be fun and also therapeutic.
Very often, however, you end up dressing to please the others ending up, neglecting or distorting your personality.
Allora, bisogna far attenzione. Una delle regole da seguire è, infatti, quella di restare sempre se stessi pur rapportandosi a situazioni ed ambienti diversi.
So, we should be careful. The rule to follow is, in fact, always remain the same even when relating to different situations and environments.
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Muna's paper doll |
Another rule – that I know very well – is that in your closet can not and must not be missing a little black dress, a dress sober, jolly, you can accessorize according to your mood and to different occasions. The little black dress, aka LBD, the archetype, the icon of elegance (according to a poll by the Daily Mail, 75% of women is the most important piece of clothing in the history of fashion, even more than jeans).
Oppure, osservando soggetti immersi in nebbie cromatogene diverse, risultò che alla percezione del rosso l’organismo dà una risposta eccitatoria, mentre alla percezione del blu si ha una risposta sedativa.
Then you need to pay attention to color shades and to human reactions in relation to colors. Colors have been studied extensively in relation to human individual reactions.
For example, when touching surfaces in different colors, it was discovered that the yellow induced a centrifugal movement, expansion, while blue tones tended to induce arms to a concentric movement of closure and separation. Or, looking at subjects immersed in cromatogene fog, it turned out that the perception of the body gives a red excitatory response, while the perception of the blue one has a sedative response.
For example, when touching surfaces in different colors, it was discovered that the yellow induced a centrifugal movement, expansion, while blue tones tended to induce arms to a concentric movement of closure and separation. Or, looking at subjects immersed in cromatogene fog, it turned out that the perception of the body gives a red excitatory response, while the perception of the blue one has a sedative response.
E' stato provato che la percezione di un colore evoca una risposta specifica e complessa che è contemporaneamente fisiologica, posturale, motoria oltre che affettiva e ideativa.
Gli effetti del colore, però, sono soprattutto psichici, emotivi. Dunque, per non sbagliare con il colore, provate a scegliere le tonalità più adatte accordandole con il proprio incarnato, ad esempio, accostando cartoncini colorati vicino al volto ben illuminato.
It's been proved that the perception of a color evokes a complex and specific response that is, at the same time, physiological, postural, “motoria” as well as affective and ideational.
The effects of colors, however, are mostly mental , and emotional. So, do not make mistakes with colors, try to choose the most suitable tone according to you own body tones, for example, by matching colored cards near you facet.
It's been proved that the perception of a color evokes a complex and specific response that is, at the same time, physiological, postural, “motoria” as well as affective and ideational.
The effects of colors, however, are mostly mental , and emotional. So, do not make mistakes with colors, try to choose the most suitable tone according to you own body tones, for example, by matching colored cards near you facet.
In definitiva - ascoltate la vostra Fashion Guru Muna, che sta sperimentando per voi la Dress Therapy praticamente in anteprima europea - si deve cercare di scegliere un determinato abito perchè ci fa sentire più belle ma anche perchè ci ricorda una sensazione positiva.
E infatti la regola clou della Dress Therapy è scegliere i nostri vestiti preferiti proprio nelle giornate no per aiutare a cambiare in meglio il tono dell'umore durante la giornata.
Provare per credere!
In short - listen to your Fashion Guru Muna , who is experimenting for you Dress Therapy in a European premiere - you must try to choose a particular dress not only because it makes you feel more beautiful, but also because it reminds you of a positive feeling. Usually you tend to choose more modest cloths, practical and simple if you are feeling down to tone and clothes that we like and make us feel good when we are in a good mood.
In fact, the highlight of the rule Dress Therapy is to choose our own favorite clothes in our bad days to help us improve our mood in the course of the day.
Try it!
In fact, the highlight of the rule Dress Therapy is to choose our own favorite clothes in our bad days to help us improve our mood in the course of the day.
Try it!
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Enjoy my Dress Therapy! |
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