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Secondo il Pantone Color Institute i nuovi protagonisti della palette cromatica per l'Autunno-Inverno 2013/2014 sono: l'immancabile verde smeraldo (eletto colore dell'anno 2013), il Mykonos blue, il Linden green, il rosso Samba, il Deep Lichen green, l'arancione Koi, il grigio Turbolence, il fucsia Vivacious, il viola Açai ed il marrone Carafe. According to the Pantone Color Institute new players on the color palette for Fall-Winter 2013/2014 are: the ubiquitous emerald green (elected Color of the Year, 2013), the Mykonos blue, Linden green, red Samba, the Deep lichen green, orange Koi, gray Turbulence, Vivacious fuchsia, purple and brown Açai Carafe. |
Tanti colori, intensi per un look autunno-inverno mutevole, emozionale, lunatico, così da passare dalla tonalità intensa ed esotica del viola Açai a quella abbagliante, luccicante e zuccherosa dell'arancione Koi, o da poter mescolare tra loro colori molto differenti come la tonalità leggera e luminosa del giallo gin tonic Linden green con quella rilassante e meditativa del Mykonos blue, o ancora quella mercuriale e fredda del grigio Turbolence con il fucsia Vivacious, esuberante, selvaggio ed ipnotico.
So many intense colors for a fall-winter look changeable, emotional, moody, so as to pass from the intense shade of purple and exotic Açai to that dazzling, shiny and sugary of orange Koi, or you can mix together very different colors such as light and bright shades of the gin and tonic yellow green Linden with the relaxation and meditative Mykonos blue, or the mercurial and cold gray Turbulence with the Vivacious fuchsia, exuberant, wild and hypnotic.
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Top ten women's Pantone colors FW 2013/14 |
So many intense colors for a fall-winter look changeable, emotional, moody, so as to pass from the intense shade of purple and exotic Açai to that dazzling, shiny and sugary of orange Koi, or you can mix together very different colors such as light and bright shades of the gin and tonic yellow green Linden with the relaxation and meditative Mykonos blue, or the mercurial and cold gray Turbulence with the Vivacious fuchsia, exuberant, wild and hypnotic.
Even in the make-up for lips lipsticks require a 3D effect in bold shades of orange electric Koi, the propora Vivacious and brilliant deep burgundy Açai.
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Pantone Colors Spring 2014 |
Le collezioni della prossima Spring/Summer 2014, da New York a Parigi, erano esattamente declinate nelle dieci tonalità scelte da Pantone.
Ecco la classifica:
The Pantone Fashion Color Report for Spring-Summer 2014, those who have followed the latest Fashion Week is not a mystery.
The collections for next Spring / Summer, from New York to Paris, were exactly declined in the ten chosen by Pantone shades.
Here is the ranking:
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